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Marika Cominos

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Marika has a background that spans a variety of occupations, and across all of her work the care and well-being of people is the consistent underlying thread. She is a warm, vibrant and intuitive Counsellor & Body work therapist with 15+ years experience working directly with clients. 


Marika brings a deep care, steady presence and clear focus to her clients and enjoys providing a safe and non-judgmental space to explore the patterns, behaviours and mindsets that keep us stuck and get in the way of living our joy and potential.





True wealth is the currency of deep settlement in your body & joy in your heart


Marika simply loves supporting people and facilitating the growth and learning that comes with an inner enquiry.


She offers counselling sessions Monday to Saturday in person, online and by phone.


Get in touch for a free 15 minute phone consultation if you would like to know more about how counselling | coaching sessions can support you, or to book an initial appointment.


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Upcoming  Online Courses

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Connection is everything

"I have received a series of bodywork & Counselling sessions from Marika. I found them to be profoundly beneficial. After each session I experienced a shift in energy, resulting in a freer body and a peaceful mind. Our discussion sessions enabled me to become aware of emotional and mental blocks, thus examine and question them. Marika’s approach was gentle, so I did not feel vulnerable or imposed upon in any way, however she was firm in the face of my resistance, so I could not get away with being “clever”, thus avoiding valuable insights. Marika is a committed practitioner who lives by the principles that guide her practice."

Rachel, Dentist

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