Marika Cominos
You do not need to have the camera on, however for new people to the online sessions I recommend that you have the camera on for at least the first few sessions so that I can offer postural support if needed via email. If using the camera you will need to setup your computer and camera so that it can show your whole body sitting on a yoga mat. A side ways angle is usually the best. Please make sure you are not too far away and that there is adequate lighting.
Each session you will need the ZOOM meeting number.
We will use the one meeting number for the 6 sessions. Please plan to login 5-10mins before each class start time so as to prepare and allow space for any technical issues that may come up.
ZOOM is the platform that we connect to for these classes which is very easy to use and is free for participants. If this is your first time participating in these classes using ZOOM, please make sure you successfully download. By clicking on the meeting link your computer should automatically download the application software for you so just follow the prompts. It should only take a few minutes to do this and then once downloaded it will stay on your computer. The ZOOM meeting link for the live classes is posted in the Course Login page.
The Course dates and times are scheduled in Australian NSW AEDT times.
Please check your own time-zone by using the time converter
I recommend that if your schedule allows for you to attend the live sessions, then you commit to this. However if you are unable, the sessions will be recorded and available up to 7 days after each live session. These will be posted within 30mins of the live class on the Course Login page.
0405 007 670
0405 007 670
Budgets, Money & You
Direct deposit details are listed below.
Please make sure that your payment can be identified back to you by coding it accordingly - first & last name usually works well.
Sending an email alert to confirm payment also helps this process.
Includes 3 x private sessions, email support & budget templates personalised for you.
Singles: Aus$350
Couples: Aus$490
BSB: 062 514
ACCOUNT: 10221806
If outside of Australia please email & I will send you a paypal request.
Once you have completed steps 1 & 2, a confirmation email will be sent to you with further details.
With consistency and purpose, saving money can be easy
Money Saving 101 Course
This was a fantastic course. I felt empowered and inspired to work with, and within my budget and tracking my spending has become fun!
I loved the private consultation, in which we tweaked my budget, it was like magic! I have more confidence following this course. Thank you Marika
Emma, Teacher | Mother, NSW
The course gave me the ability to unpick my poor relationship with money and to have a good look at other areas of my life that have been affected and where I have been putting my head in the sand.
I have to say this course was life changing for me. I now feel much more empowered, thank you Marika.
Michelle, Counsellor, Sydney
Money Saving 101 Course
I came to understand more solidly, it is how I am living my life which feeds into and is reflected back to me in my finances. That is empowering. One feeds the other in a lovely cycle.
Another valuable aspect I feel was being with others in this journey. Hearing of others experiences supported me immensely and expanded what was offered in the understanding and learning of money reflecting how we live. And that what is happening to one, is often happening to another; and so together we learn the lessons and make the journey.
Gina, Teacher, QLD
Money Saving 101 Course
This process has been life-changing. I had no idea that within 6 weeks I could have a grip on my finances and have an end date to my credit card debt. Thank you Marika for your support throughout this process.
It has been invaluable.
Laura, Teacher, Sydney
Marika makes money and all its apparent complexities seem very simple. She brings great clarity with a gentle understanding to all areas of this subject, and supports you to get to know why and where we can get so easily caught out and overwhelmed when it comes to our finances.
A wonderful opportunity for anyone who feels even just a little bit daunted by money, and everything associated with it.
Sandra, Hospitality Manager, UK