For a long time I had always noticed that there were often two conversations going on when I was listening to someone talk…
The words that I heard coming out of their mouth
The truth of what I felt in my body
I noticed there was often incongruence between the two and it wasn’t until I started studying with Universal Medicine and understanding energy, that I could fully claim the truth of what I had observed and felt for all those years.

Back then I didn’t understand it as energy or would not have called it this – I just knew what I felt. You know that feeling in the body that you can so easily override with the mind? I realised I had been dismissing these feelings and not acknowledging the truth of what my body was sharing with me. There is such a deep well of wisdom and knowing in our body that is being communicated in every moment; an absolute gift, should we choose to listen to it. Finally I could now bring understanding to where this second conversation was coming from and know that it was very real and not something I imagined.
There are many occasions when I have felt that what comes out of people’s mouths is not true, and that there is more felt to be going on behind that, or underneath. Most people appear to be unaware of this and though they are not intentionally lying, they often say what they think others want to hear or what they think they need to say… but their body and energy communicates the truth of what actually is.
Sometimes you just know about something – nothing has been said – but you can’t deny the deep feeling of knowing. For example, when a friend says they will come to dinner, but the way that they say yes tells you that they are not going to be there. The words are heard as a YES, but the intent behind the words is felt as a NO. Of course, what inevitably follows is a text or a message to say that they can’t make it to dinner. Or when you get the feeling that someone has just spoken about you – and they come into your thoughts.
Or when you meet someone and even though they may not admit or express it in words, you know there is an attraction and that they really dig you.
And just to be clear, I am not talking about reading a situation based on what we personally would like to project or how we would like to see it. I am talking about that inner truth that we can connect to deep inside… that inner knowing that is unwavering and absolute from the body, which in early stages begins as a ‘small’ or ‘quiet’ voice but develops to be much louder, clearer, and more precise when it is given the space to be expressed.
The truth is…
We know energy
We know that everything is energy
We know when someone is not ok or not themselves without them needing to tell us
We know when someone is jealous of us
We know when someone has judged us
We know what’s going on with another even when they may be on the other side of the world
We know when someone fancies us
We know when someone is genuine
We know when someone is speaking from the heart
We know truth
We know true love
We know because we know energy from the inside out.
We know that when Einstein said “everything is energy”, it was true. We do not need eyes to visually see it, because energy is felt.
Energy has no walls, no borders, it just is.
We know, because we are amazing beings of energy!
But what do we do with this knowing? Do we listen to our bodies and honour what we feel?
Or do we go into self-doubt, numb ourselves or check out so that we don’t have to feel and see all of this, or deal with the realities of life?
The thing is we know a lot… so much more than we may be willing to admit or see about the world and ourselves that our body is communicating every day.
Perhaps it is as simple as giving ourselves permission to acknowledge and trust what we feel in our body – knowing that this will support us to re-connect to the deep well of wisdom that is within us all.
As I continue to give myself permission to stop overriding and dismissing what I feel, listening to the wisdom of my body, I am enriched by what life unfolds before me. And in these moments of wisdom I am reminded that our body knows more than our minds can think!