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Marika Cominos

Terms & Conditions

By ticking CONSENT I agree to all of these terms and conditions stated below...

I understand that Marika Cominos is not liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with my participation in a Yoga of Stillness session, now or later, including but not limited to personal or any other loss or damage caused to me while participating in an Esoteric Yoga session

I agree to indemnify Marika Cominos against all claims or liability whatsoever in respect of personal injury or any loss or damage caused to me arising out of or in connection with my participation in a Yoga of Stillness session.


- If I should have any injury, disease, disability, mental health or other concern about my health or well being, now or later, I will consult my GP or other healthcare provider first before I participate or continue to participate in a Yoga of Stillness session

- If I am on any medication, prescribed or otherwise, or if I have been prescribed medication which I am not taking, I will consult my GP first before I participate in a Yoga of Stillness session

- If I experience any pain or difficulty during the Yoga of Stillness session, I will stop immediately and consult a doctor

- My participation in any Yoga of Stillness session is at my own risk.

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