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Budgets, Money & You 101 Course

Caroline | Beauty Therapist

I started my sessions with Marika in debt, feeling the 'struggle' of a lack of money and came away feeling abundant with a way forward that actually had me in the plus with savings.


I actually saw for the first time, a very real possibility of me owning my own home in a few years if I wanted.


Marika holds a very supportive, non-judgmental space and offers a grounded, clear reflection of where you are at, how you got there and a way forward.

Candida | Producer

This has been huge on many levels, mostly to see how I haven't ever been accountable and responsible with money. 


You're awesome Marika (or I could say Moneypenny!)


Great to go through this all with

you and your tender loving care

Joseph | Graphic Designer

Whilst my wife and I had tried many apps and techniques to get on the same page with our finances, nothing truly changed or shifted till we completed this course.


The combination of the practical management tools and a bigger energetic understanding of how money truly works has unlocked something big for us.


I have a feeling in the future we will look back at this course as money exceedingly well spent.

Emma | Teacher

This was a fantastic course. I felt empowered and inspired to work with, and within my budget and tracking my spending has become fun!

I loved the private consultation, in which we tweaked my budget, it was like magic! I have more confidence following this course.


Thank you Marika!

Denise | Cleaner

This course has changed my life in ways that I could not have imagined. I know everything is energy, everything is because of energy but this has really bought it home to me. How everything affects everything.


For so long I have felt that money has had me running around in circles. I’ve been trying to catch it, trying to get organized and take responsibility for my spending. After doing this course I now feel that I am running the money. I’m calling the shoots. Money is no longer running my life around in circles.


This course offers so much more than you could imagine. If you are prepared to do the work, which I might add was not easy. I had to come face to face with all the past years of my mis-spending, but every ounce of uncomfortableness was beyond worth it

Jennifer | Spiritual Practitioner

The course offered me the opportunity to deeply reflect on my behaviours and attitude towards how I am with money. It asked me to be brutally honest with myself and was very exposing to shine some light into some dark corners of my life!


The group aspect was very confirming and I didn’t feel alone whilst unpacking my relationship with money. The one-to-one personalised session was brilliant. A very timely offering into my life!

Michelle | Counsellor

The course gave me the ability to unpick my poor relationship with money and to have a good look at other areas of my life that have been affected and where I have been putting my head in the sand.

I have to say this course was life changing for me. I now feel much more empowered, thank you Marika.

Gina | Teacher

I came to understand more solidly, it is how I am living my life which feeds into and is reflected back to me in my finances. That is empowering. One feeds the other in a lovely cycle.

Another valuable aspect I feel was being with others in this journey. Hearing of others experiences supported me immensely and expanded what was offered in the understanding and learning of money reflecting how we live. And that what is happening to one, is often happening to another; and so together we learn the lessons and make the journey.

Laura | Teacher

This process has been life-changing. I had no idea that within 6 weeks I could have a grip on my finances and have an end date to my credit card debt. Thank you Marika for your support throughout this process.


It has been invaluable.

Anna | Flight Attendant

I have always avoided doing a budget but Marika makes it feel simple and practical. This money course supported me to look at where I can reduce my expenses and save more money.


I feel empowered now and definitely more positive about budgeting and my ability to save.

Sandra | Hospitality Manager

Marika makes money and all its apparent complexities seem very simple. She brings great clarity with a gentle understanding to all areas of this subject, and supports you to get to know why and where we can get so easily caught out and overwhelmed when it comes to our finances.

A wonderful opportunity for anyone who feels even just a little bit daunted by money, and everything associated with it.

Amanda | Florist

It was a very interesting experience to learn new skills while dealing with many old fears about money that were holding me back. Marika held the course in the most supporting and non judgemental energy. It was truly healing to complete this course.

Leah | Administrator

This course is very inspiring and very practical. It is definitely an area where most people would need help with and bring awareness to this area in their lives.

Tips on savings and tax savings are extremely beneficial and it's something that should be taught in school - in preparation to be in life.

You can feel that Marika has a lot of lived experience with work, money and much more and I would highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to bring more purpose into managing their finances!

Kim | L&D Consultant

Since attending the course I’ve started tracking my spending which feels great. I feel more responsible with my spending and my spending has become more purposeful.

The one on one session was very confirming and allowed me to identify saving potential.

Thanks so much Marika.

Mark | Disability Worker

I liked it being a short course, yet it was able to deliver enough information and assistance to help my partner & I to change from not saving or budgeting to feeling assertive in following a budget in our everyday lives.


This is huge as old patterns have just fallen away. I'm no longer feeling fear, dread, sick or with affected breathing whenever broaching any monetary tasks. I feel we have taken responsibility for our financial flow and we are both working together with it. I'm feeling calm and confident.

Lily | Team Leader

A fantastic course - the structure was great. Through Marika's support and holding the group very quickly developed an openness and trust.

The feedback and sharing of experiences, and Marika's personal experiences, financial tips and the one-to-one session were just invaluable.

Thank you Marika!

Paula | Nurse

This course was absolutely valuable! Marika doesn't miss anything and simply offers truth - no fuss, no drama.


In my private session when Marika pointed out some simple suggestions that I could not see, it made such sense and I immediately felt the tension and angst in my body falling away. 2hrs later I could feel my whole attitude towards money had changed to one of positivity rather than negativity!

Marian | Administrator

I don't usually have the opportunity to express about money, it's one of those very private or even taboo subjects that family and friends don't discuss in any depth.


There's such an expansion in being able to express honestly, openly and with vulnerability, knowing that there's awareness, support, respect and no judgement with Marika. It means I can move forward with my finances, expand my awareness around my money issues and empower and improve my financial situation.

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