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Marika Cominos



Robert Perrier
Creative Director
Flying Fruit Fly Circus

In my position as Creative Director, over the last eight years, I have been asked to write many references for students and staff. It is not often I have the opportunity of going over the top. The attitude and efficiency Marika brought to the demanding tasks and challenges she faced were exemplary. Each project and programme she was involved in, once completed had her mark on it. By example she taught the senior staff in this organisation as much as we taught her.


She is an extraordinary young woman, loyal, dedicated, hard working, creative, gregarious, efficient, mature, and a delight to work with. I truly believe she is capable of anything she sets her mind to.

Peter Coram
SMS Consulting

That Saturday was an undoubted success is without question. That we did very well likewise. But that we did so with the focus, teamwork, and fun we did was never an inevitability. I know that whilst we were (are) an enthusiastic bunch of amateurs, we were one which achieved what we did because of the gentle, yet underlying strong guidance, encouragement, empathy, happiness, genuine enjoyment both of the task at hand and other people’s company provided by you Marika, with Michelle, Nicci, and Jack.

As well as thanks, congratulations also. You must be very proud to see all your hard work turn into something really great. As professionals dealing with amateurs, such a task could easily turn to frustration, however, you certainly delivered an excellent result in a pretty short time frame, with a pretty low starting point. A very heartfelt thanks again. It has been a real pleasure to meet and work with you all.

Alan Hynd
#10 Eyewitness News

I would like to pass on my personal thanks for your assistance during the production on Eyewitness News & Good Morning Australia. Everyone at Channel 10 Sydney was pleased with the final result, an opinion reflected by all Network Ten Stations. It was due in part to your ability to select good talent and arrange a realistic shooting schedule. Knowing that a television crew can be demanding, you managed to satisfy those demands in a very professional and efficient manner. For this we are truly grateful.

Stefano De Pieri
Ministerial Advisor
Ethnic Affairs, Victoria

I want to thank you very much for your personal contribution to the success of the Veneto Project. Your performance added a very special and exciting dimension to the outdoor activities during the week. Added to this was your sparkling personality which made sure that you were a true Ambassador for Australia'. We hope that in the future further opportunities will arise for you to act again as a representative of this country overseas, as you are indeed the best that we have to offer.

Marika has excellent organisational and systems development & management skills, combined with a keen and rigorous eye for detail. She is focused and highly consistent in her delivery and will always work collaboratively to ensure she is aligned with what is needed on each project.


Marika is a person of high integrity who has a natural ease and openenss with how she communicates with people at all levels and seeks to find the simplicity and flow in her working relationships, which is a valuable and valued quality in a team environment.

Andrea Hull
Director Policy & Planning
Australia Council

Having marvelled at her extraordinary performance work and her commanding stage presence it was a pleasure to get to know her better. Marika is a remarkable person, mature, insightful, clear about her goals and her values. She is resourceful, energetic & highly responsible. I have no hesitation in supporting Marika in whatever she chooses to do - for I feel confident that she will continue to be outstanding.

Tina Kopa
RAMUS Illumination

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